The B-17 Fly-In and Cruise-In is Saturday from 10am to 4pm at the B-17 Alliance Museum, 3278 25th Street SE.
Tag: Salem
Cherry City Classic
The Cherry City Classic Custom Motorcycle Show is Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 3pm at Salem Fairgrounds, 2330 17th Street NE.
Capital City Motor Madness
The Capital City Motor Madness Car Show is Friday to Sunday at the Salem Fairgrounds, 2330 17th Street NE.
Willamette Valley Street Rods Cruise
The Willamette Valley Street Rods Cruise is Friday at 6:30pm at Harbor Freight Tools, 4675 Portland Road.
Hart Horsepower Classic Car Show
The Hart Horsepower Classic Car Show is Saturday from 9am to 2pm at West Hill Stables, 3065 Orchard Heights Road.
Cruisin’ For Salem Firefighters
The Cruisin’ For Salem Firefighters Car Show is Saturday from 9am to 3pm at Cozzie’s NY Deli, 3723 Fairview Industrial Drive SE.
PVA Show & Shine Car Show
The PVA Show & Shine Car Show is Saturday from 9am to 2pm at Powerland Heritage Park, 3995 Brooklake Road NE.
Cherry Blossom Drive
The 95th Annual Cherry Blossom Drive & Poker Run is Saturday from 9am to 2pm at Harbor Freight, 1010 Hawthorne Avenue.
Gut Car Show
The Second Annual Gut Car Show is Saturday from 9am to 3pm at SCA Detailing, 1330 Hall Street NE.
Back again for the second year S.C.A. Detailing will be hosting our annual car show.
This time, we have: more space, better trophies, a fantastic meal catered by @Let’s Eat with every car entry.
A better layout plan and a live band.
We have partnered with our friends @Punxinthepark and @punxwithpurpose to bring entertainment that is sure to make this an unforgettable event.
Willamette Valley Smokehouse Car Meet
The Willamette Valley Smokehouse Car Meet is every Thursday from 7pm to 9pm at 2411 Delaney Road SE.
Bringing back the car meets at the Willamette Valley Smokehouse, this will be the spot every Thursday.
For all of you that came last summer, the sheds are gone and we have the whole parking lot.
And a little side fun, we have karaoke in the tent for added entertainment.