Rusty Bucket Cruise-In

The Rusty Bucket Cruise-In Car Show is Saturday from 10am to 2pm at the Rusty Bucket Tap House, 4102 Highway 20.


Come in and cruise the loop to show off your wheels. We can’t wait for nicer weather to see what you have to show off. We have some car enthusiasts who enjoy seeing your sweet ride. Are you a member of the Rolling Oldies car club? Enjoy 5% off your purchase as our treat. Stick around for happy hours from 3-6pm. Plus the BBQ platter is our Saturday Special, we could sell out before ya know it.
This is Memorial Day weekend, but if you’re hitting the road for some sight seeing, add us to one of your stops

OSCC Midweek Meet

The OSCC Midweek Meet is Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm at the Parking Garage, 3rd Floor, 661 SW 26th Street.

Our last midweek event went great! Let’s have another one!
Wednesday, December 6, at 6 PM. OSU Parking lot, 3rd floor.
EVERYONE is invited. Bring your car or just bring yourself. OSU DPS will be there so we SHOULD be able to take some lit pics like we did last time. Cedar the Wellness dog SHOULD also be there!
3rd floor in the OSU parking lot. When you get to the top of the ramp, take a right. Goes from 6pm to 8pm. Bring your camera and a jacket, most of the third floor is under cover and out of the weather!
ALL cars and ALL people are welcome!